Friday, September 26, 2008

Dear pre-school

Dear pre-school, thanks for making such nice excursions and for telling both parents and kids to pack the backpacks with stuff needed for a successful outing. Joel and I packed his bag with an orange, a thing to sit on and a hat, just like you requested. Then I went to a different room to check on baby Niki. When I returned, the backpack was suspiciously heavy.

I opened the zipper to find
  1. A toy poodle
  2. A car
  3. Ronald McDonald in a car
  4. A hippo
  5. A zebra
  6. A Kung Fu panda
  7. A purple camera
  8. A rubber duck
  9. A bouncing ball
  10. A cow
  11. A dinosaur
  12. A book on sharks
Joel tells me you said he needed to pack all those items for your 1-hour outing. Is this true?
-the end consumer