Dear Anders, you're in Sardinia. You take care of our meals at home. When you're goe I eat a whole lot of bananas and hard boiled eggs. How many bananas can you eat in a day without going overboard? I had 3 today, then stopped, only because it seemed a 4th banana might push me over the monkey edge.
I hate eating bananas in public, it's too private. But sometimes hunger forces me to. The other day I met an old colleague on the train.
I didn't see him until he was already staring at me and the banana. I was eating it like I do on the subway, breaking bits off to avoid the worst stares.
But no.
He still had to comment.
Him "That's a very sensual way to eat your banana"
Me "Oh fuck it. I knew you wouldn't just let me eat it."
There is no decent way to eat a banana.
What I'm trying to say here Anders is that I miss you and your cooking.
Also, we're out of bananas.