While I'm not perpetually down and out, I'm technically broke.
This is the sad state of my finances:

Yesterday the fellow shoppers at our local store could hear me say:
No Joel, you can't have a Piggelin, we have no money. No money at all.
People looked at us with sadness in their eyes. Everyone knows Piggelin is the cheapest icicle of them all.
I forgot all about this as I went for lunch today. I had a deck of cards with me. Credit cards. No money on any of them. Luckily, the people at the lunch place had seen me plenty of times before. I want to tell you, temporarily broke people, that it's important to be a returning customer. They let me eat cashless and pay up next time instead.
I was so grateful I even refrained from telling them chèvre is not spelled chevré, as they insist on calling it. It's cute, but wrong.
The cafe people pronounce it like it would rhyme with oeufs en gelé! The outrage!
Which brings me to something I've always wondered: Who ever craves a hard boiled egg in jelly? WHY?
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