Thursday, March 6, 2008

Dear H&M

She's getting fatter, I'm getting mom jeans.

Dear H&M, I see you just bought the Cheap Monday jeans empire. Good for you. Good for Örjan and Lars.
I have another denim-oriented idea.

I know you sell maternity jeans.
But how about after delivery?
When you can't wear your regular jeans? And are too sick of your maternity wear that you can't wear them even if they are the only things that fit?

I'm talking mom jeans. But not the regular kind.
I mean nice jeans, but jeans you only wear for the few months when you're in between jeans.

Interim jeans.

When you're not quite yourself yet.
Not a (pregnant) girl. Not yet a (back to your old self) woman.

Like the jeans I'm wearing now, they were fine a month ago when I purchased them, now they already have that Gällivarehäng-look you anglos call baggy.

This is how it'd work. You'd sell flattering denim in regular sizes with a small metal badge attached to them. As the wearer slims down by the help of breastfeeding, long walks or sudden flu attacks, she comes in to the store, shows the badge and gets to buy her next pair to a great discount.

What do you say?

Moms all over the world will thank you. So will the people who love them but hate the sight of their exposed behinds.

I'm giving you this idea for free.

love from
-the end consumer