Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Forgotten closet, day 3

Going for a "Terms of endearment" look in MJ bellbottoms, striped knit sweater and brown velvet jacket that I bought at Max Mara in Italy when I had that kind of money. Ten years ago. Quality lasts! The MJ jeans I never wear. They're too long and every time I think of wearing them it's raining and I know I'll just drag the hems through mud. The sweater is an old favorite that's lost its shape. Once upon a time it had a matching scarf and hat. No idea where they are now. And yes that must be my mirror face, whistling again.
Why I bought the jeans: They're behind-beautifying. I've worn them maybe three times, letting you know how much I seem to care about the parts of me I never see. I'm selling them, I never use them.